Big Love Hope Course: Supporting Women Through Addiction


A Life-Changing Course

The Big Love Hope Course is a six-week programme providing vital support for women recovering from drug and alcohol addiction, referred to us by our partner, Open Road. These remarkable women are a joy to work with, and the course has already impacted 40 lives, with many participants later joining our team to help others on the same journey. Each course costs £500 to run and supports a dedicated facilitator who works with the women one day a week for six weeks.

We’ve received beautiful and heartwarming testimonies both at home and overseas, showing that real change is taking place. In Romania, we’ve delivered the course with our partners, Outstretched Hands, where it was translated and shared with a group of women who have also experienced transformation.

Expanding Our Reach

Currently delivered in Chelmsford and Basildon, the Hope Course has the potential to expand into even more areas with the right facilitators, offering critical support to women in need.

Over the year ahead we would love to train up more facilitators to take the course into more centres working with vulnerable adults.

How You Can Get Involved

For just £30 a month, you can provide breakfast, snacks, and refreshments for the course, helping to create a welcoming and supportive environment.

Or you, your faith group, business, or school could also sponsor a facilitator for £500 per course, ensuring a trained professional can guide the women through their journey of recovery and empowerment.

Challenging the injustice of the war in ukraine.